Aliens Coloring Pages

Aliens Coloring Page

Scientists say dinosaurs disappeared when an Asteroid hit the earth, but we don’t believe them. We at are convinced that dinosaurs were kidnapped by aliens 66 million years ago. Of course, we can’t prove it, but can you prove us wrong? Our adorable dinosaur aliens coloring pages show a Trex getting abducted by aliens. If you think your little boy or girl would love to color this page, hit the download button and get the printable PDF for free!


All our printable coloring pages are for personal, non commercial use.

Please feel free to visit our collections. We offer dozens of free printable dinosaur coloring pages for kids, including more space pictures, Christmas, Halloween, Music, and realistic dinosaur coloring pages. Enjoy!

Coloring is a unique way to keep kids entertained and engaged, whether you have a toddler, a preschool, or an older child. Great for children who love dinosaurs and aliens – and totally free to download. Just hit the button and print the pdf from your home computer. What’s better than spending an evening at home coloring pictures? Building hand-eye coordination and color recognition is a breeze with these pictures. I wish I had coloring pages like this when I was a kid! 


We feature dinosaurs to color for every occasion… 

Free Dinosaur Coloring Pages

Our dino and aliens coloring pages are free, but if you want to support us, get a shirt from our shop! We combined dinosaurs with themes like holidays, music, aliens, and more to create the perfect shirts for kids who love dinosaurs as much as we do! 

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