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More Coloring Pages

We have a collection of more than 100 printable dinosaur coloring pages which you can download for free – and the collection is growing! Our subscribers are among the first who’ll know about new coloring pages. 


Be the firts who knows about new products

Be the first to know about new dinosaur products and sales. Again, we won’t spam you, but if you or your little one is interested in dinosaurs, you might like to hear about our sales. 


Exiting Dinosaurs Facts & Articles

Did you know that sauropods (long neck dinosaurs) ate stones to help digest food? Well, you would know if you were a subscriber! Dinosaurs became extinct when an asteroid hit the earth and wiped them out. But did you know that dinosaurs only evolved because an asteroid hit the earth, wiped out almost all animals, opening new ecological niches which allowed surviving animals to evolve into dinosaurs?

We ♡ dinosaurs and never stop thinking about how we can add more RAWR to our holidays. Our goal is to find ways to continue adding more RAWR, especially at holiday time, when our RAWR needs are highest. Subscribe, and we’ll send you our ideas before the season starts.

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